I am picky with books - young adult, chick lit, classic novels, historical romance, historical fiction, romantic fiction. I don't usually read outside my comfort zone and I like books that are written like poetry.
The title was what caught my eye. I pictured a world class chick lit. Light, funny, and romantic. I imagined a soul-searching heroine who hits it off with a guy in every place she's been. I imagined exotic places, beautiful backdrops, bilingual dialogues, and of strangers meeting accidentally. Then she'd realize her hero is waiting for her at home. It would've been a delicious read.
Two best friends, Jadie and Tate had it with their dating life in Colorado and decided to travel around the world to learn about the different dating cultures and maybe find Mr. Right along the way. They left Colorado without knowing what's ahead of them and that was a thrill. Then the two girls began to interview ladies, locals, about their dating life. Yes, interview them with ready questions. That set me off. I didn't even finish the book. It felt tightly constructed, Alan didn't let her characters wander on their own and find out the different dating cultures themselves. Maybe it's just me but I didn't like it at all. I just didn't get it. What a waste on a good plot :(
Photo from Google Search.
And it breaks my heart what love has turned us into.
Longing turning into anger,
fists pounding instead of arms holding,
words into thorns,
fingertips slicing,
fingerprints bruising,
chasing me away,
pushing me off the edge.
Yesterday we felt like forever,
today, tomorrow is not ours.
I don’t want to sleep if it means I’ll dream of you.
I don’t want to stay awake if it means I’ll think of you.
Where do I go?