29 February 2012

Day 23 – A book you wanted to read for a long time but still haven’t

I was intrigued by the book. I guess I wanted to find answers more than actually reading it. It was too haunting and tragic for me, so after a few pages, I just let it go.

28 February 2012

Day 22 – Favorite book you own

My heart goes out to every book I own.

Every book is a door that leads to beautifully written words and poignant characters, you wish it would swallow you whole and you were them. Every book holds a certain feeling or place or person, your bookshelf has your memories folded in paperbacks. x

27 February 2012

Day 21 - Favorite book from your childhood

Missin' my Ladybird books with the ladybug print hardcover! Wonder where my mom hid them. x