11 July 2012

Will work for books

Novelists write a great deal about paperbacks with creased spines, falling pages, missing covers, and the readers think it's beautiful, romantic even, and it says a lot about the character's personality. I love the thought of it, but in reality I'm pretty fussy about my books. 

I like my books..

- Plastic covered. I have a thing for plastic-covering. I even have my own step-by-step procedure which I follow religiously!
- Signed with my initials & the date I got the book. For gifts, I include the name of the person who gave it to me.
- Marked with highlighters for quotes
- Dog-eared, in small folds, if a highlighter is not in hand
- Not creased, the spine and the cover. But there are exceptions to the rule, like books I got from Booksale. I love them the same!

PS. I keep the receipts and use them as bookmarks! 

I feel like I'm such a dork!

Every one of my books holds a certain memory, a feeling, time, place, persons. I'm not one who goes around getting every book that I want. I have to work for it and I give up certain things, like clothes and shoes and make up! Haha! But nothing beats the feeling from a good read! 

How do you like your books? :)

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