16 February 2013

Top New Year's resolution: Read more. Write more (other than work).

You think when you get older you'd read more classics, more philosophical works, more non-fiction. Genres  beyond your years because at the age of 21, you want to prove how intelligent and wide reader you are. (There's just so many 20 books you need to read in your 20s list, 30 books in your 30s, I plan to read some of it) But instead, you get stuck in Young Adult and you're not even ashamed. Way better than getting caught reading 50 Shades of Grey in public, or even in your e-reader cause nosy people can still read the large font, you guys.

10 February 2013


"What fell to her lot was not the burden but the unbearable lightness of being." - Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Someday, I will get this permanently inked on my skin. Guess not today. 

This sums up 2012 for me and even when the new year came around, I still feel adrift. 

I want to be more, want to be here, want to leave footprints, want to know where I'm going, or atleast, keep going wherever I'm headed. 

I'm taking it one day at a time, one book at a time. 

Somewhere in the pages, I'll find a word, a phrase that would hold me down.

Apologies for not being here.