30 December 2011

A year of books

Books lusts of 2011

2011 has been filled with books from young adult, to classics, to historical fiction. This year is also the first time I've captured every book experience in this blog. I'm thankful that I get to share it with everyone else. Whenever I find a good read, I always make my friends read it. I'm excited for another year (fingers crossed) full of books! :-)

I don't own Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler but I love the heart made of sea glass. The Last Letter from your Lover by Jojo Moyes is an eye-catcher. I love the vintage feel of The Diplomat's Wife by Pam Jenoff.

I have these books in different editions. I would love to have these beautiful covers too!

Either because I love how scenes were written or it's simply full of beautiful quotes, I highlighted as much lines as I want!

I got The Diplomat's Wife from Booksale for only 75 bucks! It was an unexpected find and cheap, most of all, a good read! The Great Gastby was only 150 bucks from Fullybooked. Best timing since I was broke that time. Haha!

Jojo Moyes and Pam Jenoff are great writers. They paint with words and makes you feel you're part of the story. Delectable reads! I just hope the movie will be faithful to the novel.

At First Sight made my throat close up, my chest heavy, and my eyes sting. The Sky is Everywhere evoked longing, loneliness, love and mellow vibes. The Last Letter from your Lover simply made me feel alive and in love.

I love the authors' writing style, the prose and the plot.

My top 3 reads of 2011. I want to read them over and over again, to pore over the beautiful words and to meet the characters that are full of life.

2011 has been a great year, book-wise. Excited for the books I'll be reading in 2012. :-)

"So many books, so little time"

Day 18 - A book that disappointed you

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

"Why can't you choose what you forget... and what you remember?"

Zoey is the perfect daughter, the perfect student, and the perfect girlfriend to popular boyfriend Brandon. She has a perfect life until she finds out her dad knocked up his twenty-four-year old girlfriend then her mom had a nervous breakdown. No one knows about her mom's stint except her dad, Zoey, the cop who found her mom, and Doug Fox. Doug Fox has juvie history, part of the swim team, and seems to hate Zoey, the way he scowls at her. Then the accident happens. When Zoey wakes up the next day, she realizes she can't remember what happened minutes before the car crash. Doug suddenly shows up in her living room, concerned and touchy while Brandon is avoiding her.

I really really liked the plot. The way Zoey is thrown about when she is missing the all important memory that could explain why Doug can't stay away from her and why she seems too like it too. I guess I was expecting a different outcome from the turn of events. I was disappointed of the way the characters' were thrown to each other, it was shallow and flat. Sex is also overrated in the book. But Doug got under my skin. When I found out what really happened before the car crash, it just didn't come through. Overall, it lacked the soul the tagline portrayed.

29 December 2011

Current read: Those Who Save Us

I saw this on Booksale but didn't get it. I looked it up on Goodreads then went back for it the next day! Good thing it was still there. I'm still on the first few chapters. This is a bit new to me. I've read World War II novels but none from the enemy's side, the Nazis. I've read impressive reviews about this book and I have a gut feeling that it's a good read. Will do a review soon. Happy reading everyone :-)

27 December 2011

Day 17 - Favorite quote from your favorite book/s

It's really hard for me to choose only one so I've picked the best quotes I wrote down from different books.

"And would you rather sir, that your sister could recite by rote the principal rivers of Russia and China or those other shreds of useless knowledge that are nowadays so much the fashion? ...What I call education is not which smothers a woman with incidental accomplishments, but that which instead encourages in her the power and habit of thinking." - Julia Barrett, Presumption

"There are days when you really just need to know there is going to be someone on your side, even if you're the one screwing up." - Theresa Alan, The Girl's Guide to Global Guys

"It isn't the big troubles in life that require character. Anybody can rise to a crisis and face crushing tragedy with courage, but to meet the petty hazards of the day with a laugh - I really think that requires spirit." - Jean Webster, Daddy Long Legs

"It isn't the big pleasures that count the most; it's making a great deal out of little ones - I've discovered the secret of happiness, Daddy, and that is to live in the now. Not to be forever regretting the past, or anticipating the future; but to get the most that you can out of this very instant." - Jean Webster, Daddy Long Legs

"To want things is to be constantly disappointed." - Suzanne Weyn, Reincarnation

"Only fools think they have all the answers." - Suzanne Weyn, Reincarnation

"The whole of man's life on the face of the Earth can be summed up by that search for his Soul Mate. He may pretend to be running after wisdom, money, or power, but none of that matters. Whatever he achieves will be incomplete if he fails to find his Soul Mate." - Paulo Coelho, Brida

“Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia. (...) You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you'll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present.” - John Green, Looking For Alaska

What's your favorite? Hope you liked it! x

19 December 2011

Day 16 - Favorite female character

This is long overdue I know, so will make this short and sweet.

Lennie Walker from The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

Why? Not only do I love the prose, I love how Lennie writes poems on every flat surface available and leaves them scattered across town. She writes about her sister, the new boy in honor band, her grief, and it's so poignant. Everything she does and everybody around her makes her this vibrant character, a living prose herself. I can almost feel her own grief. Even though there are times I dislike her for what she did, I believe I'd do the same thing if I was her. I love how much she loves her sister, how she read Wuthering Heights 23 times, how I can feel her every emotion through her poems. She's so raw.

Who's your favorite heroine? x

15 December 2011

Christmas Wish List

This year's wish list is a bit far-fetched maybe, but no harm in dreaming! Or lusting. I'm still wishing for winter.

Because I'm having 1920s withdrawals. Well, mostly.

1. A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway

2. The Paris Wife by Paula McLain
and/or 3. Paris Without End by Gioia Diliberto
4. Farundell by L.R. Fredericks (another 1920s novel)
5. Game of Thrones Box Set

6. 48 Laws of Power and Seduction by Robert Greene

Just figured I need to start reading something like these by now.

7. A Short History of the World by J.M. Roberts

8. To finish reading The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, and,

9. An old-fashioned bookshelf.

What's in your wish list? :)
Happy Holidays everyone!!! x

Books Read: The Great Gatsby

The Great GatsbyThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gatsby's love for Daisy is what led them to tragedy. Before the war he was a soldier, a man with nothing to leave behind. The he met Daisy in Louisville. He was seduced by Daisy's world that he loved her. But then Gatsby left for the war and Daisy had to do the right thing, to secure herself of a stable future. She found that in Tom Buchanan. They lived in a house with sprawling lawns facing the water in East Egg, Long Island. Gatsby made himself into the man he thought Daisy would leave everything for. He lived across from her in West Egg and threw parties. The prose is highlight worthy, especially the latter chapters. Narrated by Gatsby's neighbor, Nick Carraway, it shows how lives are tangled together that one cannot escape it fully. But Gatsby did, and it wasn't his decision to.

View all my reviews

25 November 2011

Book roll call x Book window shopping

Because I was MIA for almost 2 weeks (sorry!) I'll give you a roll call of the books I've been reading up to my current read and the book/s I'm lusting for. Can I just say that I'm having historical fiction withdrawals? It's like I'm time traveling when I'm reading. Now I'm caught up in WWII. You'll know why! Read on.

1960s to present
The Last Letter from your Lover
Jojo Moyes

I've read this over semester break, even brought it with me to my dorm. I just can't keep my mouth shut about this. I've practically shoved this to my friends. I want the whole world to read this!

18th century to nearer today
Manhattan Monologues
Louis Auchincloss

I got this on sale almost a year ago and has been gathering dust ever since. I mostly got it because of the title. For some reason I didn't get to the part where I actually read it until last week, warming up to it. Manhattan Monologues is a collection of short stories from Old New York to Nearer Today. My favorites are The Heiress, The Marriage Broker, and Collaboration.

present, summer
The Summer I Turned Pretty
Jenny Han

Borrowed from a friend. Took a break from historical fiction. I miss summer when I read this. Light read and a cliffhanger ending. Pales in comparison to my current read, though.

back to 1945, WWII just ended
The Diplomat's Wife
Pam Jenoff

My current read. This book found me! I can't stop reading it ever since I got my hands on it. I can relate to everything in it, applying what I've studied for the past three and a half years. I loved International Studies more ;) Historical romance + espionage + international relations = delectable!

Even had to pull out Fodor's Britain just to see Marta's route when she walked the streets of London. :)

present, window shopping
L.R. Fredericks

"A stunningly original debut novel, Farundell is literary fiction with a metaphysical twist."

This book found me when I was scanning the bookshelves at Fully Booked. Since I'm still having withdrawals, I'm lusting for anything historical. Reminds me so much of Atonement and Brideshead Revisited which I both love. Set in 1920s, a little before both novels, it also boasts a mansion, an eccentric family with a beautiful young lady, and remnants of war, everything that I look for in a book! Although not the bit about the metaphysical. The book even has a map of the whole estate and the floor plan of the mansion on the inside flap. Book lust!

How's your book lust?

07 November 2011

Day 15 – Favorite male character

If you asked me months ago, I would've answered Mr. Darcy right away.

Matt from Twenty Boy Summer
You can read plot here.

(Warning: contains spoilers!)

Matt is Frankie's older brother and both are Anna's best friends and neighbors. Anna has always loved Matt but he doesn't know. Until her birthday, he kissed her with frost in her hair. They'd sneak out to the backyard when everyone's asleep and just talk, look up at the stars. Frankie doesn't know and Anna is scared that she might feel left out. Matt made her keep their secret and promises her that he would tell her. But then he suddenly dies because of a hole in his heart. And she finds herself thrown into Frankie's scheme of twenty boys in Zanzibar Bay where Matt used to write to her about every summer. She couldn't grieve for the boy who loved her because Frankie seems intent on running away from it. But she couldn't forget him when everything around her has traces of him.

I guess his early demise has drawn me to him, in a way. What would've Matt been like if he didn't die? Matt hangs out with her younger sister and is best friends with a girl. He likes to read, like Jack Kerouac's On The Road. He collects sea glass and makes necklaces and bracelets out of them. He loves the sea and writes postcards to her best friend about his summer. He's not the typical kind, alpha males. His soft side makes him more an amazing person. I wish he was real. I wish he lived long enough.

Sorry for the spoilers!
Who's your favorite male character? :)

06 November 2011

Book surprise: Looking for Alaska

Someone got me this book and he really tried to surprise me but he was more excited than I am so he spilled it. Haha! I've been looking for Alaska for quite sometime now. It was out of stock everywhere! The sad thing is I got a free PDF copy over the internet. I couldn't resist so I've read it for days in my laptop. But now, I have it on paperback! Thank you, stranger, for making me happy with your little surprises. ;)

Looking for Alaska taught me that life is a Great Perhaps. We are in this labyrinth and we spend everyday trying to get out of it. But I also think that we were place in this labyrinth of life for us to solve, to move forward, to try to find direction.

American Library Association's Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature

I do sign my books. :)

Everything happened before and after.

The famous quote from the book.

You just use the future to escape the present.

Pudge reads last words of famous people. He used Simon Bolivar's How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!

I hope we find our own answers to that. x

04 November 2011

Book feature x Book surprise

Remember my post about my current read? I finished the book and I really want to do a book feature about it but I'm still thinking what I should do. I really want to share something about the book because I loved every bit of it. Read the plot of The Last Letter from your Lover here. :)

There's also something I can't wait for! It's a surprise!!! (which isn't really anymore because HE told me). And I already gave away what it is judging from the title. Haha! I'll keep you posted. Will blog about it as soon as I get it.

Excited! x

Day 14 - Favorite book of your favorite writer

Say hello to November! :) Since I answered 4 for my favorite writers, I only chose one book from them. And it was hard! Haha!

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

I know it's her only book (she's still writing her 2nd) but still, I'm in love with it! I remembered the first time I saw the book, the cover was so beautiful. I had a gut feeling it's a delicious read even before I knew the plot. And it was wonderful! The love story is high school. But the words are vibrant, the plot, heartwarming. It has the right combination of different emotions, it makes you feel alive. I do love a book that makes me feel that.

This is the cover of the book that I got for my birthday. ;)

This is the beautiful hardbound cover. I want this too.

Photos from Google Search. Hoped you liked it! x

02 November 2011

Book Lust: Now open!

Book Lust is now open! Book Lust is an online bookstore which sells pre-loved books for your book lust. The first bookshelf is out so feel free to check them.

Like us on Facebook!

Making up for being so unproductive this semester break. I know it's late, should've thought about this sooner. Nonetheless, I am now a happy and proud owner of a little online bookstore. I'm new to this so bear with me. So excited! x

30 October 2011

I'm not good with titles

They lay tangled with the covers. She watched him sleeping, yellow light seeping through the windows. She watched as shadows danced on his bare chest, rising and falling to the rhythm of his soft breath. His eyelashes touched the top of his cheeks. His mouth slightly parted. She couldn’t bear not to reach out, to feel him beneath her fingertips. She traced his lips, touched his ear, lay her palm flatly on his heart. He smiled with eyes closed, holding her hand with his, and pulling her in with the other. She kissed his neck, her lips unmoving, and breathed in his scent. His skin was dark, golden where the sun touched it. And when he looked at her, his eyes gave everything he saw, the lost innocence of a boy only war could take.

The sun rose higher and he made her breakfast. She sat at the counter with his shirt on and watched him, the muscles on his back, the broad shoulders that led to his thin waist. He would catch her looking and winked, a devilish smile on his lips. He is the most beautiful creature she ever saw. She couldn’t stop marveling that he was hers. That every stolen glance, every hidden spot, every morning like this was her possession. She loved him with every imperfection that made him beautiful. She adored every battle scar that kept him alive and brought him home to her.

27 October 2011

Nicholas Sparks: Live in Manila!

Bestselling author Nicholas Sparks is coming to the Philippines for a book signing of his new novel The Best of Me! Catch him on the following dates:

October 28, The Podium

You can see mechanics for the chance to get his autograph here.

Nicholas Sparks will also be signing on the 29th at Powerbooks Greenbelt 4.

The Best of Me is now available at all Powerbooks and National Book Store branches for P549.

Follow Nicholas Sparks on Twitter! And Powerbooks too!

I really hope I can go, if not for the book signing, just the chance to see him! I can't wait to get my hands on his new book. I heard they're making Safe Haven into a movie too. Though The Lucky One with Zac Efron is still not showing. A lot to look out for! Anyways, who's going to the book signing? :) x

26 October 2011

Day 13 – Your favorite writer

Safest answer would be Jane Austen. And instead of one answer, I'll give you a list of my top fave authors - in no particular order. They reign my bookshelf. :)

Nicholas Sparks
From A Walk to Remember to The Last Song, I adore his work. I don't know where he gets his beautiful stories. And he writes well! Nicholas Sparks gives us heartwarming stories that even though has a bit of tragedy in it, makes you appreciate life. He makes us want to feel a love like no other. He makes us cry and the tears are worth it.

Anna Godbersen
The author of the Luxe series and Bright Young Things. I like her because she's my kind of read. Young adult and Historical fiction. I love how the Luxe series was written, like I'm transported to 19th century Manhattan. Every character felt amazingly real. She let her characters loose and wander through the pages. I want to be one of them! Godbersen is effortless. It made me anxious in the right parts. Made me put it down when I just can't take what's happening. But then I'd pick it up again because I can't take the agony of not knowing what'll happen next. I haven't read Beautiful Days, the second book in the BYT series, but I'm pretty sure Godbersen wrote it like she didn't. Does that make sense? ;)

Julia Quinn
She's my go to author for my historical romance cravings. If you love Jane Austen, well she's the contemporary counterpart, as they said. Her works are funny and romantic. Not to cheesy, but still dog-ear worthy lines. Most of all, it's HISTORICAL! Dukes and duchess, London society and all that.

Jandy Nelson
I want to write like her! The Sky is Everywhere is just wonderful. I'm in love with the words! I'm a sucker for heartbreakingly beautiful stories. It makes me feel alive when I read something sad. I like going through stories like that to see that somehow it'll be alright in the end. Reading The Sky is Everywhere made me hope for better things. I basked in it and clung to Jandy Nelson's every word. I just love her. I also love the idea of a girl scattering poems around town.

Sorry I don't have pictures. Have no idea what to put. I'm moving forward with this challenge! Yey! x

25 October 2011

Day 12 – A book you used to love but don’t anymore

From the So Little Time series

Used random photo from Google Search ;)

So Little Time is a US sitcom starring Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. It was later on made into a novel series.

Not even sure which one I read. After my fascination with Sweet Valley High (I miss!), I became a fan of the Olsen twins. I remembered photocopying magazines with them on it. Haha! It was around freshmen year when I got the book. Then I lent it to a friend - which was never given back to me - and is totally alright considering that I won't read it anymore. I couldn't even remember what the title was! Thinking about it made me curious though. :)

This post is a slacker. Will make it up to you on the next one! x

23 October 2011

Day 11 - A book you hated

The Girls' Guide to Global Guys by Theresa Alan

I am picky with books - young adult, chick lit, classic novels, historical romance, historical fiction, romantic fiction. I don't usually read outside my comfort zone and I like books that are written like poetry.

The title was what caught my eye. I pictured a world class chick lit. Light, funny, and romantic. I imagined a soul-searching heroine who hits it off with a guy in every place she's been. I imagined exotic places, beautiful backdrops, bilingual dialogues, and of strangers meeting accidentally. Then she'd realize her hero is waiting for her at home. It would've been a delicious read.

Two best friends, Jadie and Tate had it with their dating life in Colorado and decided to travel around the world to learn about the different dating cultures and maybe find Mr. Right along the way. They left Colorado without knowing what's ahead of them and that was a thrill. Then the two girls began to interview ladies, locals, about their dating life. Yes, interview them with ready questions. That set me off. I didn't even finish the book. It felt tightly constructed, Alan didn't let her characters wander on their own and find out the different dating cultures themselves. Maybe it's just me but I didn't like it at all. I just didn't get it. What a waste on a good plot :(

Photo from Google Search.

21 October 2011


I first heard about Bookay-Ukay from a friend. I've been curious about the place, seeing it only in photos. And I get to see the place finally! I picked up an original cover The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks which I bought online. For purchases, reservations, inquiries, like their Facebook page here. More on their service later :)

It's a couple of minutes from Katipunan! It'll only cost you less than 100 bucks if you take a cab. The place is simple, open and totally laid back. Book shelves flank three sides of the room...

...while this wall on the left is reserved for artworks. Sort of a freedom wall. It's actually really cool. Gives an edge to the place. Like it wasn't only made to feed your book fetish, also your creative mind. I love that they stack books on the floor :)

This is what I got! Original covers are rare especially if they've made a movie of the book. The movie was wonderful, I'm curious how Nicholas Sparks wrote it. I like reading something in print after I watched it to see how i'll see it in my head. I got it for 150php only! It was a cheap find :) I love cheap finds! If you don't want to bust your wallets but cannot live without a good book, this is the place!

On service: You have to like their Facebook page so you can see their posts. They post every book they have, how many stocks, and the price. They are friendly, you can actually talk to them, ask questions about their stocks, or changes in your reservations. I reserved mine and was supposed to get it shipped. But then I realized I was going to Katipunan the next day. So I informed them, very casually that I've decided to pick it up on their store. They answer right away! And it's first come, first serve so stay updated so you can get the books you want. You can also check them out at Multiply. I'm a first time costumer so let me hear what you think :)

Sorry for the haggard picture ;) Whoever is behind this is my hero. It's the kind of place bookworms like me would actually love. It's wallet-friendly, laid-back, and full of books! If you live far from QC you can always check their Multiply and Facebook. But it's a must to visit the store! Bookay-Ukay is located at 55 Maginhawa Str., UP Village, Diliman, Quezon City.

Thank you my wonderful friends for coming with me!

Photos are mine. x

19 October 2011


Sorry about the lagged posts. I'm having off days but will try really hard to keep up from now on! Since I haven't posted anything for days, I'll cram three in one! ;)

1. Mini library
It's already semester break so I've been stuck at home. Plenty of time to do nothing, which bugs me a little. But then again, it's a much deserved break after all those stress. Anyways, I've been cleaning my room for days now, rearranging stuff around. I stack my books in different places in my room for a cozy feel, I want to be surrounded with things that I love. I had nothing to do so I tried to see what it'll look like if I placed them all in my bookshelf.

Sans the ones my friends borrowed and some left at my dorm. I want to fill every flat surface of my room! Fingers crossed.

2. Current read
Last Sunday, I got to buy myself a book! Yey! I have a long list of books to buy but whenever I'm at the National/Powerbooks/Fully Booked, I get overwhelmed with so many books I forget my list. I have this instinct too! After walking around the store a couple of times, I usually end up buying a book that I impulsively see like it's meant for me. And it's on sale! :)

The Last Letter from your Lover by Jojo Moyes

I'm only past eight chapters. So far, I'm loving the plot and the writing style. I love everything that has a bit of history in it. The Last Letter from your Lover is set on the 60s and the present. It's romantic without going overboard. I'm expecting a lot from this book! Though it's really unexpected, you really don't know where everything is headed. Keeps you at the edge, you wouldn't want to put it down. That's what makes it a good book. Prolly will post book quotes/feature about this next time :)

3. Day 10 - Favorite Classic Book: Pride and Prejudice & Persuasion

Allow me to be so indulgent to choose two :) Written by my favorite author, Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice is the book that got me reading again. I adored the thought of Mr. Darcy, brooding and handsome. I fell in love with 19th century Europe, the balls, the dresses, the language.

Persuasion reflects the romantic in Jane Austen, and me. Captain Wentworth's coldness towards Anne Elliot when they met after eight years, his subtle ways, his letter after finding out his sentiments towards her are still the same was enough to captivate me. You have to read it yourself. If you've read it, read it again! :)

Photos are mine. x

12 October 2011

He was watching her against the diamonds above, her hair shining from the moonlight, dancing around her face. She was looking up at the star-drunk sky. He passed the last bottle left, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. From where they lay, on the hood of his hand-me-down car, they just might fall over the edge skyward into the black ocean that seemed everywhere. He felt inconsequential, and somehow he knew she felt it too.

But she felt anxious instead of that. She saw nothing but the sky, the stars that seem to invite her, the wind that blew the grass and carried the minty scent of his smoke after the cigarette was long gone. She stared up at the sky too long, she felt like falling in it. She almost felt it, when the wind blew and she shivered. It was like standing on the edge just before a fall. She wanted that feeling forever, brought the bottle to her wet lips, her eyes bright.

She was everywhere, his sky, and he loved her.

Beneath the stars, pleasantly drunk, their features softened by the moonlight, they were infinite in each other. It was more than love could offer.


09 October 2011

Sorry means nothing

And it breaks my heart what love has turned us into.

Longing turning into anger,

fists pounding instead of arms holding,

words into thorns,

fingertips slicing,

fingerprints bruising,

chasing me away,

pushing me off the edge.

Yesterday we felt like forever,

today, tomorrow is not ours.

I don’t want to sleep if it means I’ll dream of you.

I don’t want to stay awake if it means I’ll think of you.

Where do I go?

01 October 2011

Book fetish

Semester break's coming up, I need to stack up.

The weather's been gloomy, perfect for crawling in bed with a good book - words in your veins, your mind traveling places. Your craving for words, different worlds, growing insatiable every page. This is what you call book fetish.

Here's my updated to-buy list, enjoy!

1. Looking for Alaska by John Green

I want the exact cover. I've read it on PDF because I can't wait any longer. John Green writes perfectly. I love the prose, I've highlighted a lot of quotes. But it doesn't feel right when it's not on paperback.

2. Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

I've seen the trailer of the HBO mini series. I'm a fan of Nibelungenlied and all that. George R.R. Martin created another world and I'm fascinated by how he thought everything out and put it in words. The map of their world (included in the large format hard cover) captured me. I want the whole series!

3. Beautiful Days by Anna Godbersen

The second book of the Bright Young Things series is finally out! 1929, flappers, all that jazz. It's the age when everythings' bright, when everyone's young. I love Anna Godbersen, her Luxe series and I loved Bright Young Things.

4. Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

It wouldn't be complete without this. It's a thriller sort with the right overdose of romance. Will give you chills and turn you lovesick. Leaves you dreaming of Patch Cipriano in jeans... only. Release date: October 2011.

5. If I Stay by Gayle Forman

The cover, the title, I feel there's something more. I want to read how the words weave together. Read the synopsis here.

6. Love Story by Jennifer Echols

Somehow I came across this book. Jennifer Echols once disappoint, I'm hoping this time she won't. Creative writing, New York City, a boy who writes. I'm lusting for everything in it.

"So many books, so little time"

(photos from Google Search)
