02 September 2012

September Spill

Can't believe it's already September, which means my birthday privilege is up! Sadly running out of ideas to blog about. I'm all over the place lately, with work, random late nigh hangouts with friends (on a weekday!), & the ever distracting internet! Thankful for the weekend so I can curl up with a good book. I'm already halfway through Gatsby's Girl. Weird that I didn't have time to read during the past two long weekends. I bought my little brother The Adventures of Tom Sawyer because he's been spending too much time playing Minecraft and it's about time he read classics, even if it's an abridged version. Fascinated about this Tumblr site called Bookface where you can submit photos of your face and your book/s! Submitted two photos - the first and last one. We're famous, yey! 

My friends left a huge gap on my bookshelf when they came over for my birthday. I think I was still hungover when I stacked 10 on my arms and handed them 2-3 each to bring home. I can't help smiling whenever I remember their faces like children given free candies. And it warms my heart to know that they loved it as much as I do!

It's always been my dream to go on an all out book shopping, to just grab everything on my list! Wish I had the money for that. But for now I'm alright with getting my monthly fix or digging books at Booksale. :)

PS. Oh, and I found this nifty post about e-readers that made me drool!

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